Sunday, July 14, 2013

Making a movie part 1

Met my actors (Talented! Beautiful!) Met my director (Talented! Interesting! Communicative!) Saw my locations (Beautiful, but not so inspiring....) and spent the night trying to come up with something that will hold together. I got lots of great ideas, none are the real deal yet, but several are probably the ones that will lead to the real one.

I'm not feeling the selfish part of the joy, because it's all about the team—Steve and I have the first job, to come up with a script and make it really great, in service to the actors, directors, location, etc. So I don't mind forgoing the selfish part of my practice for a couple days, because I absolutely feel the joy of engaging in the work I most love to do.

I took notes on note cards all day. I wrote down things people said, things I thought of, things I saw. I came home at night and spread them out and started to free associate these into movie plot ideas. Trying to use the specific talents of the actors I have, and the specific gifts of the locations.

OK, enough blogging. I need to write this movie.

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