Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don't listen to your jerk brain. You are smart and pretty.

As I was leaving Purim, someone dressed as a manatee came up to me and let me choose a card from a little velveteen pouch. The card had a hand-drawn picture of a manatee, and the message:

Don't listen to your jerk brain. You are smart and pretty. 

I didn't know what was going on, but I knew I loved it. So they told me about Calming Manatee, a Tumblr based on the statement that "everyone knows that manatees are the most calming creatures in the animal kingdom." You'll look at it right now, I know, but in case you don't, this is a Tumblr with photos of manatees, floating in the water (looking calm) and saying things like, "I'll get the wine." "Oh, sweetie." and "Hey, you got this."

I didn't look them up right away, but when I did, I spent a pretty long time summoning another calming manatee, and summoning another calming manatee, and summoning another calming manatee. It's very sweet to look at these and think not just about the manatees (who it feels are really talking to you) but also the people who put the words into the manatees' minds, and to marvel at such quirky and benevolent creativity.

Try it. You will probably feel better. Also, "You'll feel better if you eat something."

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