Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I used a hashtag

Never Done: I used a hashtag

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to teach someone what a hashtag is, and in the process, gave them more thought than I ever had before. I even looked up who invented the hashtag, and when. Like many symbols, it's already evolved. What started out as a way to organize conversations has become a form of emphasis, sort of the way we used to use the *asterisk.* But not really the way we used to use the asterisk, because you can't just put a hashtag in the middle of a sentence to emphasize something instead of italicizing it. You can tweet using a hashtag and you can update your Facebook status with a hashtag, and you can do it when it's the only phrase you're using, or you can use it as the second of two -- the second hashtagged phrase being commentary or detail of the first. Oh, new grammar! New forms of communication! I sort of love you! (And I sort of fear you.) So I decided to try you.

I was having another tough day, but was focused and engaged at work, and went out for a lobster role at Luke's Lobster, and when I paid the woman working there asked if I wanted a frequent eaters card. Of course I did! I work 4 blocks from Luke's, and I intend to eat there frequently. (They even let me bring my own wheat-free bread, and they grill it up for me, just like Red's Eats does in Wiscasset Maine when I order their ridiculously delicious grilled haddock sandwich.) When she handed me my Lobsta Mobsta Buy 10 Get 1 Free card, I actually felt better. I felt part of something that felt like home, and I just felt delighted at the simple pleasure of having easy access to something I love so much.

So when I finished eating, I took out my cell phone and updated my Facebook status:
Hard day just got easier. #Luke'sLobsterLobstaMobstaBuy10Get1FreeCard

If I had it to do over again, I think I'd shorten the part after the hashtag to merely #LukesLobster, but hey, it was my first time. I'm allowed to be a little awkward.

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